It includes the title of the submissions (completed or in-progress research), and the names and affiliations of the authors. Please underline the name of the presenter.
Structured Abstract
A structured abstract featuring 1) purpose, 2) study design/methodology/approach, 3) results, and 4) originality/value report the essential facts contained within the extended abstract with 200 words maximum.
Three to five keywords of the extended abstract should be provided.
The Introduction section should introduce the problem to be studied, review the literature briefly, and provide the main findings of the work.
The methodology of the research should be clearly explained in this section.
The main results of the work should be presented and discussed. Tables and figures can be used to assist the explanation, and the number of tables and figures is limited to three/four/five altogether (figures/tables are not counted in the word limit).
A brief conclusion including the summary and generalization of the results, and the contributions and the limitations of the work should be provided.
Acknowledgement (optional)
Acknowledgement can be included identifying the funding sources.
Please use American Psychological Association (APA) 7 the edition for intext citations and reference list. The references are not counted in the word limit.