Publication Opportunites

Conference Proceedings

MTCON’25 will publish all accepted and presented submissions in the conference proceedings by WIRE (Wolverhampton Intellectual Repository and E-Theses) with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

Authors are encouraged to publish full papers in the proceedings, but those preferring to publish only their structured abstracts may do so. Therefore, we will include all accepted structured abstracts presented at MTCON’25’ conference proceedings. We request that final submissions of accepted papers, upon completion of the review process, be typically up to five single-spaced pages. Please note that authors intending to use the conference proceedings as the final outlet for their work are welcome to submit papers up to 10 single-spaced pages.

This flexible approach ensures high-quality dissemination of research while accommodating varying publication preferences.

Post-Conference Publications

MTCON’25 offers several opportunities for post-conference publications to showcase high-quality research:

  • Best Paper Awards: Recipients will be invited to submit their work to leading journals for publication consideration.
  • Special Issue/Section: Up to 10 selected papers may be invited for inclusion in a special issue or section of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.
  • Edited Volume: Selected conference proceedings will be invited to contribute to the Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice book series.

In response to authors’ requests for publication opportunities of conference proceedings in the WoS Conference Citation Index, we would like to inform authors that the curation process for this is unique. Only publishers may submit proceedings volumes for evaluation. As conference organizers, we will work with our publisher (WIRE) to select suitable papers from authors who prefer and wish their work to be published in the WoS Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

These post-conference publication opportunities provide authors with prestigious platforms to further disseminate their research and enhance its impact within the academic and professional communities.