Prof. Scott McCabe

Prof. Dr. Scott McCabe

Birmingham Business School


Scott McCabe is Professor of Marketing at Birmingham Business School, at the University of Birmingham, U.K., joining in April 2023. Prior to that he worked for 16 years at the University of Nottingham, as Professor of Marketing and Tourism. He also holds a part time Professorship at the University of Eastern Finland Joensuu campus, since 2018 and is the current co-Editor in Chief of Annals of Tourism Research.

Scott’s research interests lie in understanding tourists as consumers, their practices, decisions, experiences and motivations. His research is inter-disciplinary spanning sociology, consumer psychology and marketing. A major programme of research has focused on the needs for and experiences of people who are socially excluded from participation in tourism, the social tourism systems that have been put in place to respond to these needs with an aim to try to influence policy in the U.K. context. Working with a range of small and large charities, his research has helped to promote the concept of ‘social tourism’ in the UK, and internationally, raising awareness and establishing a link between holidays and subjective wellbeing outcomes. More recently, his research has engaged debates in pro-social and pro-environmental tourist consumption, as well as responsible and ethical consumer behavior.

He is an elected fellow of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and co-chair of the U.K. Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group on Tourism.